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Flexible working ‘necessary’

For many employees in the UK flexible working can be more of a necessity than an advantage, according to Peter Connor from the North West Working Group.

Mr Connor maintains that for thousands of people returning to the British workplace after having become a parent, flexibility is the only way they can effectively manage their home and work commitments.

And Mr Connor’s remarks come after the UK’s children’s minister Beverly Hughes claimed that fathers who want to work from home or fewer hours each week are not being sufficiently accommodated by their employers.

"Far-sighted employers already recognise that flexibility supports staff retention," commented Ms Hughes.

Mr Connor added: "For employers, flexible working gives access to a wider resource of skilled people, makes attracting and retaining people easier and has been proven to increase productivity."

In April of this year, representatives of the North West Flexible Working Group met with prime minister Tony Blair to outline their aims and to point out some examples of flexible working best practice being implemented in the area.

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