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Working from home saves companies money

Michael Davies, the head of product management for business communication services specialist Viatel says that implementing facilities to allow staff to work from home can save companies money.

Davis points out that several prompts have occurred over the past 12 months that have forced businesses to take working from home more seriously as an option for their staff members.

First, in April, legislation was put in place to ensure firms provide flexible working conditions for people with children under 16. Then came the Swine Flu scare, and the millions of working hours that were lost as a result of illness. The snowy and icy weather in early 2010 topped off the list, resulting in yet more precious working hours lost.

Providing home working options gives employers the opportunity to cut down on the facilities they are required to provide in the office for employees, such as kitchens, fridges, toilets and parking. This can cut overheads and makes running a small business much cheaper, particularly if all staff work from home and no space needs to be rented at all!

Allowing staff to work from home can also boost productivity, staff morale and can cut sick leave, freeing up cash to spend elsewhere on the business.

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