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Making the most of homeworking

Homeworkers are being urged to make the most of flexible working by making sure their space is as organised as possible.

Writing for the Commercial Appeal, organisation and time management expert Maryanne Macdonald said that getting organised for working at home after working in an office brings both personal and professional benefits.

She advises making sure you choose a productive workspace, rather than a laptop on the bed. She also urges homeworkers to have a designated space in the home to store all their work items and says this is more effective than sharing a computer and other equipment with the rest of the family.

To get the most out of flexible working, Macdonald also encourages homeworkers to inform clients, friends and family of their working hours so that work and leisure time are clearly delineated. She says that this routine is also a good way to get as much accomplished as possible.

The stereotype of homeworkers is that they are typing away in pyjamas, but Macdonald urges homeworkers to get dressed, saying they will be much more productive even in casual business wear. Being organised and professional is the key to success when working at home, says Macdonald.

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