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New mums ‘turn to homeworking benefits’

An increasing number of new mums in various parts of India are taking up the option of working from home to establish a better work-life balance, according to reports.

Companies operating within the country’s rapidly emerging economy are beginning to see the mutual advantages that enabling staff, particularly parents with young children, to work from home can bring.

And for many professional Indian women, the opportunity means they do not have to make a choice between bringing up children and building a successful career, reports the Times of India.

New mother Preetie Kotur told the newspaper: "The only difference between what I am doing right now and what I did earlier is that I do not go to office but manage from home."

"I hold client meetings over email or by phone, since my client sits in Indonesia and we have teleconferences with different teams across the globe," she explained.

Meanwhile, a report from Alliance & Leicester recently suggested that the increased prevalence of homeworking in the UK will influence how houses are designed and constructed in years to come.

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