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Industrial action could increase homeworking

Britons could be more likely to work from home if industrial action becomes more commonplace.

This is according to recent research from SecurEnvoy, which found that more than half of workers in London believe that the threat of future strikes and industrial action will encourage more companies to enable their staff to work from home.

It appears that such a move would be welcome, even though just 11 per cent of employees in the capital were affected by last week’s public sector strike. Reporting the research, noted that most people enjoyed working from home, with just 28 per cent of those surveyed claiming they would prefer to be in the office.

Andy Kemsall, chief technology officer at SecurEnvoy, told the news source: “Who knows if there is going to be more industrial action, but if there are, these could have a wider benefit for the general public by helping more people get IT installed at home to empower them to embrace home working.”

He added that the latest survey is “far more reassuring” than earlier studies in that there appears to have been a change in approaches to computer security with more employers and employees implementing the correct security protocols on the home working side of their network.

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