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Working from home advice sessions held in Highlands

The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has helped to organise a number of working from home sessions for people in Caithness and Sutherland.

In close conjunction with Arise UK, and its client Shop Direct Group, the HIE is to organise the workshops in Wick and Thurso to help people in the far north with alternative working options.

The events will help those interested in working from home to be linked up through Arise with several larger companies, such as Shop Direct. This then enables them to provide services to these groups from their own homes.

As Joyce MacLennan explained to the John O'Groat Journal and Caithness Courier, working from home is well-suited to people in the Highlands and Islands.

“There are benefits to the employer, in terms of reduced costs and carbon emissions, and increased flexibility, and it provides exciting prospects for workers, particularly in remote areas where transport can be a problem,” she added.

People interested in attending can head to the Norseman Hotel in Wick today (Monday, 18 September) and the Pentaland or Tongue hotels in Thurso tomorrow. A similar event will take place at the Assynt Leisure Centre in Lochinver on Wednesday.

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