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Great potential for SMEs to adopt working from home

Small- and medium-sized companies that think that home-working is reserved for their larger counterparts should think again.

Omar El Akkad, a reporter for the Canadian newspaper, the Globe and Mail, said that while many large firms are now offering flexible home-working solutions to employees, far fewer smaller firms are doing so.

He went on to say that home-working brings numerous advantages, including increased productivity from staff and higher levels of employee happiness – both of which would be of much benefit to smaller companies.

There is much opportunity for smaller businesses to introduce flexible home-working to their employees, and both businesses and staff will likely benefit as a result.

The subject of working from home is particularly topical in the UK at the moment thanks to the upcoming London 2012 Olympic Games, which are expected to have a large impact on commuters and businesses.

Working from home is being touted as a sensible alternative for employees during the games, and businesses of all sizes are being urged to get in on the act.

Transport for London is pushing the idea of adopting flexible working practices during the games, and is hopeful that as many as a third of UK businesses may introduce the practice – which has also been shown to have a positive effect on staff absenteeism – during the sporting event.

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