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Working from home 'popular among entrepreneurs'

Entrepreneurs who don't yet have any employees are finding that working from home is a great option for them.

In the US alone, more than 54 per cent of small businesses are home businesses, according to the latest US Census Bureau statistics. In fact, more than one million new solo entrepreneurs began working from home in 2010.

Paula Eder from observed that people are working from home in urban, suburban and rural settings. But, she added, “Even in this day and age, there are tons of misconceptions about people who work from home.

“Probably the most common myth has to do with not really being serious about business. I am here to say that’s absolutely not true.”

She advised people who are working from home to understand that they are making a career choice and noted that it is important to treat things like a business and to establish work hours, pay schedules, structures and boundaries.

Furthermore, she urged homeworkers to acknowledge that what they are doing is not easy but that it is important to celebrate when things go well and targets are met.

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