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Home workers to earn more in the private sector?

People who work from home could be among those who could boost their earnings by moving from the public sector to the private sector.

According to recent research from the TUC, workers with degrees tend to earn more in the private sector, while staff with no or fewer qualifications usually earn more in the public sector.

The study, which looked at official statistics published ahead of the latest annual pay statistics, confirmed that people educated to degree level earn 4.7 per cent more if they work in the private sector. Those without any qualifications, meanwhile, earn 3.2 per cent less in the private sector.

Brendan Barber, general secretary at the TUC, commented: “It is true that pay and benefits are fairer in the public sector, with all employees entitled to the same staff pension schemes and the gap between the highest and lowest-paid far smaller than in the private sector.

“While high-flyers with degrees can expect to earn less in the public sector, lower- skilled and lower-paid staff can expect a better deal in the public sector.”

He added that to bring the public sector into line with private business, the government would be required to cut the poorest public sector workers' wages and offer large pay rises to those at the top, which is “unlikely to get much support from taxpayers”.

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