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Working from home can result in longer hours

Employers might be interested to learn that individuals who work from home tend to put in more hours than their office counterparts.

According to recent research from WiFi network provider iPass, almost two-thirds of the 1,700 mobile workers questioned worked 50 to 60 hours a week, with many also putting in time on the weekend.

One of the main reasons for putting in more time was the potential to be permanently connected through work and WiFi systems. Indeed, 88 per cent of wireless users thought that cable-free internet access was “as important to their lives, or almost, as running water and electricity”.

Evan Kaplan, chief executive of iPass, commented: “Connectivity is like oxygen for today's mobile workers. The improved ability to work anywhere as long as they are connected appears to be driving higher productivity".

However, he added that mobile workers are now finding themselves subject to a unique form of stress due to the fact that they are constantly connected with their work life. Businesses considering allowing their employees to work form home might want to bear this in mind when organising new working plans to ensure that their workers remain happy and motivated even when they're out of the office.

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