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Lines of communication ‘key’ to homeworking

Working from home is a very real option for many people in business today, but without the right set-up in place it can be hard to get going.

Time and time again communication crops up as the key thing to keep on top of when using homeworkers or allowing full-time employees the option to work from home on some occasions.

A recent article for the Global and Mail said that the best working from home practice was to ‘keep lines of communication open’.

This means maintaining regular contact with anyone still in the office, such as managers and colleagues, while also keeping in touch with clients that need updating.

It can be tempting to just rely on email if you’re working from home but checking in on the phone every so often will also be beneficial, as will making an effort to set up a video call over an internet connection.

It may feel like you have everything under control, but you need to remind other people of this and also make sure that they don’t forget to fill you in on any updates to deadlines or new projects that might come onboard.

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