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People work from home shop online more often

Recent research has suggested that individuals are facing a new distraction when working from home – the temptation to shop online.

Conducted by, the study looked at US adults who are employed but who sometimes work from home. It found that 69 per cent of people said they shop online while working from home, compared to 54 per cent who admitted to doing so when working in their office.

Jackie Warrick, senior savings adviser at the website, commented: "Online shopping is one of many interruptions that can lure workers away from their tasks, whether they're at home or at their workplace.

"While taking a break now and then is necessary to remain productive, it's important for workers to manage their time effectively and contribute to the success of their organisation. This is true no matter where they're physically located while they do their job."

The study also revealed that 63 per cent of people believe that they have fewer distractions when they stay at home than when they make the commute into the office, while 61 per cent said that they feel more productive at home than in their workplace.

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