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Small businesses boast of benefits of working from home

Small businesses have noted the various benefits of working from home, particularly when it comes to launching a start-up company.

In a short series of interviews for the Guardian, entrepreneurs explained how the flexibility has helped them to grow.

Ella Gascoigne, owner of Startup PR, a PR firm for small businesses, said that working from homer allows her to save time and money, the benefits of which she can then pass on to clients: “I can offer a more flexible and affordable service, which is key to by business success.”

For Jane Hopkins, owner of support network for mothers in business, Mum's Club, not having to commute to an office every day has been “really beneficial” for family life. “The great thing about working around family life is that the children can see what you do, and may even want to help,” she observed.

Other entrepreneurs highlighted the fact that working from home offers them a much greater level of flexibility. The time saved by not commuting can be put to good use however people wish. Exercise, family time, connecting with clients on different time zones all become much simpler when working hours can be spread across the day.

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