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Working from home boosts shed market

An increase in the number of people working from home has seen a doubling in sales of substantial garden sheds, B&Q has revealed.

The home improvement giant said that while their budget sheds – retailing for as little as £150 – were still popular, the Tenbieight Shack Up shed, costing £1,149, had seen a 550 per cent jump in sales.

Gurinder Jellehwallia, a buyer from B&Q said many people were looking to create a home study and were turning to sheds to create the space.

“More and more of us want to reclaim some personal space in our homes," she said.

"So whether we’re retreating to our greenhouses, home working from our sheds or playing in our summer houses this trend looks set to continue.”

B&Q said sales of all of its sheds costing more than £1,000 have at least doubled. Its £1,299 Cannock summer cabin, complete with french windows, has quadrupled.

The Future Foundation consultancy, said there was also a need to provide space for the increasing number of adult children living and working at their family home.

Suzanne Imre, editor of Living Etc magazine, said, "I think there will be need for retreats. If more and more people are working from home you will need to have areas you can section off and go to where it’s quiet."

John Lewis's new range of summer houses boasts some costing more than £11,000, complete with double-glazing and brass door fittings.

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