A new white paper from inContact, a call centre service provider in the USA, has shown that utilizing a business model where agents work from home can have very clear benefits both for the agents themselves and for the company employing them.
inContact provides on-demand handling and agent optimization consultation services and offers connectivity and agent management tools to calls centres to aid them in their operations.
The firm's recent white paper looked into the home-based agent model and came up with very favourable results. The report found that working from home can lead to increased satisfaction on the part of the agent, which in turn leads to improved customer satisfaction and increased customer loyalty.
The report outlines the key benefits of home-working agents as including: increased agent productivity, lower attrition, a reduction in operational costs and a strengthening in business continuity. The paper also discusses various technical options for implementing the work from home model.
inContact is based in Salt Lake City in the US. Its white paper backs up an increasing trend on the part of companies to encourage and allow their employees to work from home.