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Online shopping boom stimulates home-based retailer trend

Home-based entrepreneurs are increasingly using Britain's online shopping boom as an opportunity to make some income from their own web-based retail outlets.

One set of Ecommerce specialists say they've seen over £2 million in orders processed in under three years of trading.

"Considering [that] the vast majority of people using our service are new to selling online, that's quite an impressive figure," states David Geran, the director of entry-level Ecommerce service provider Internet Retailer. His organisation provides platforms through which thousands of budding business owners and stay-at-home parents have launched their own retail ventures.

Another independent online retailer, James Wilson, reveals that turnover at his enterprise has more than doubled in the space of 12 months. "Like a lot of online shops you see today, we started as a small home-based business trying to juggle home life with rooms full of stock," observes the dispatch manager for Paragon Martial Arts.

Experts in remote and flexible working practices have pointed out that, in addition to stay-at-home parents, individuals over the age of 50 and people with disabilities find homeworking more convenient than office-based employment.

Medical specialists have also praised its suitability for those with mental health issues.

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