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British workers ‘caught in a trap’

A recent poll asking employees to choose an Elvis Presley song that reflects how they feel about their workplace has revealed trends that could lead employers to consider extending their flexible working practices.

Research by Croner found that almost a quarter of employees feel that the Elvis song ‘Suspicious Minds’ best sums up their office experience and the workplace experts at the company suggest that businesses need to act to counter these sentiments.

For a further 13 per cent of those polled, the Elvis song that best reflected their professional life was ‘All Shook Up’, in reference to the stress they tend to feel, which Croner points to as another problem bosses need to tackle.

"The results serve as a timely reminder that 30 years on from Elvis’s death there are still issues in the workplace that employers need to be aware of and deal with," said Richard Smith, employment services director at Croner.

"Employers need to be alert to the dangers and develop strategies for tackling any issues that employees have before they become really serious problems and start to undermine employees’ confidence and feelings of worth and value."

The majority of people polled by ntl:Telewest recently said that working from home would give them a chance to reduce their stress levels and make them better able to manage their own levels of productivity.

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