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Managers ‘missing out on flexible working’

Middle managers at companies in the US are missing out on the benefits of flexible working that are increasingly becoming part of the way staff operate, according to reports.

While younger employees tend to consider the chance to work from home to be an important incentive, these opportunities are often out of reach of many middle managers, reports USA Today.

And this lack of flexibility could be part of the reason why a recent poll by Harris Interactive for found that more than a third of middle managers are looking for a change of job.

Robert Leckey, a sales vice president at, is quoted as saying: "If you work for a company with a bad or outdated business model, the middle manager can be squeezed."

"It’s not surprising to me that people are turning away from management jobs. It can be overwhelming."

Earlier this year, Sir Digby Jones, UK skills envoy and former director general of the Confederation of British Industry, urged British companies to "come out of the dark ages" and start letting their staff work from home.

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