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Working from home to increase in public sector

The number of public sector employees working from home is set to increase as authorities look to bring down property costs, it has been predicted.

Ken Eastwood from Public Sector Nomads, told the SmartGov Live Conference recently that although many authorities have taken steps to reduce their spending on property, more action will be needed as the pressure to save money increases.

He said that initiatives such as mobile working and hot desking could be ideal solutions for many organisations, enabling them to significantly reduce their office space. He added that there are also many other elements to the business case for allowing more mobile and flexible working. He listed other benefits as greater productivity, a better work-life balance and environmental advantages.

The Guardian reports that Eastwood, who is also assistant director of Barnsley Metropolitan Council, went on to say that environmental considerations are likely to be of increasing importance in the coming years, due to rising fuel prices and the need for businesses to contribute to reducing carbon emissions. He said these concerns would see more companies considering whether it's practical to expect staff to commute to work every day.

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