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Homeworking group established

A group for people who work from home has been established in Lutterworth by a homeworker.

The organisation is being run by Jane Gifard-Tiney, who has already set up a similar networking group in Harborough. The earlier group has been running successfully since January 2010 and it is hoped that the Lutterworth branch will prove equally popular.

Taking place at the Greyhound Coaching Inn, the inaugural meeting featured a talk by Louise Jeffs on interior design, according to the Harborough Mail. The paper reported that future meetings will take place on the second Thursday of each month in the mornings, with a member or a guest speaker present at each occasion.

Ms Giffard-Tiney explained to the paper her reasons behind the establishment of the group, “As someone who works from home myself, it occurred to me that homeworkers have needs and issues that are quite different to people who work in an office-based environment.

“People who work from home are often more isolated and lack the support and opportunity to network that is available to others, so I decided to set up a group for small business but predominantly for people who work from home," she added.

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